Cordstrap Lashing

Product Leaflets

Cordstrap Lashing

Cordstrap lashing, known as Cordlash, is the most effective way to secure cargo for international shipping wherever it may be, on any transport unit – containers, flat racks, railcars or ships.


Cordstrap CornerLash

Secure heavy weight cargo loads

CornerLash is the fully compliant cargo protection solution for heavy loads. To provide optimal securing, this innovative solution uses a patented corner element, creating a new anchorpoint, applied to the strongest part of the container – the corner posts. 


Cordstrap Anchorlash

Secure light and medium weight cargo loads

AnchorLash is the versatile solution for light to medium loads. Using the strongest existing anchor points within the container, AnchorLash can adapt to your specific cargo, whether that’s carton boxes, plastic drums, big bags or other soft packaging, providing cargo protection on any modality or route.


Cordstrap QuickLash

Secure light weight cargo loads

QuickLash is the economical solution for light loads without compromising on quality, safety or security. Using existing upper and lower lashing points in the container, QuickLash secures loads using vertical lashing with easy to apply snap hooks, and adjustable horizontal lashing secured with buckles.


For expert advice on cargo securing solutions contact us now

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